High Performance Alignment Coaching & Energy Medicine

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

― Nikola Tesla ―

“I am here to help humanity awaken to its highest potential. I do this by teaching others how to embody their Higher-Self.”

High Performance Alignment Coaching is a transformative journey for those looking to actualize higher levels of personal and professional performance.

With a focus on aligning thoughts, actions, and values, High Performance Alignment Coaching facilitates profound shifts in mindset and behavior. It's a holistic approach that cultivates authenticity, resilience, and fulfillment in every aspect of one’s life.

My expertise lies in uncovering the hidden beliefs and underlying stories that influence and mold behavior, health, relationships, and performance. My intention is to help you to realize the truth of who you are, which lies beyond the story and programmed beliefs.

High Performance Alignment Coaching

Energy as Medicine

“Matter is energy. Energy is light. We are all light beings.”

— Albert Einstein —

Energy, frequency and vibration are everything. In humans, both disease, as well as dis-ease, begin as aberrations originating within the human toroidal energy field. The power of energy medicine lies in its ability to correct the imbalance before the disease (or dis-ease) state manifests.

In situations where illness or imbalances have manifested, I tap into universal source energy and serve as a bridge to cohesively synchronize with my clients innate life force. This symbiotic connection rectifies disruptions across the mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, and energetic dimensions, facilitating a return to states of congruence and homeostasis.

Energy medicine

“The realization of our higher-Self is the gateway to our liberation.”


“Working with Scott as my alignment coach has been nothing short of amazing! In a world where it's easy to feel overwhelmed and lost, Scott served as a guiding light while I was working through a dark and difficult life transition. I have worked with several other coaches in the past who were gifted, however, Scott’s skill set is unique in that he has the intuitive ability to see past the surface by bringing awareness to the root cause of the issues I was seeking help for.

His approach is like chatting with a wise friend who just gets it. He blends empathy with practical advice, and helped me to see things from a fresh perspective, while also teaching me the tools I need to be able to navigate life's ups and downs with confidence and clear intention.”

— Mark N.

“I've never had results from an energy medicine session like I did with Scott. Prior to our session, he took his time to do a very thorough intake. His presence from the initial intake, and throughout the entirety of the session was calming and very healing. Previous sessions always felt as if they were incomplete with other practitioners, that is not the case with him.

Every issue I brought to his attention was addressed in our session with just the right amount of communication. I felt a sense of bliss when our session was over. My system is balanced and life feels good thanks to his amazing work. I highly recommend him!”

— Shanese P.

“Scott possesses a deep understanding of human nature and showed an unwavering commitment in helping me to unlock my full potential. When I first started working with Scott I felt lost. I was battling depression and was unable to maintain my sobriety. I knew there was more to life but I didn’t know how to create the life I desired for myself. He empowered me to embrace my authenticity, taught me what it means to live my life with clear intention, and most importantly, how to heal myself.

I wholeheartedly recommend Scott to anyone seeking guidance on their journey towards alignment and fulfillment. Working with Scott is an investment in oneself, and a worthwhile journey towards profound self-discovery and lasting positive change."

— Amanda M.

“I received a tantric massage from Scott recently. The massage itself definitely moved some energy in my body to promote healing.  He was able to find some blockages and as he worked on them, I was able to have great emotional release. I'm grateful for that.

Scott was very professional. He treated me with deep respect. I was able to feel the kindness, compassion and love he had for me as a client and a human being, and it was touching and powerful.  Not only was it transmitted through his healing hands, but also through his spirit.  I am highly recommending Scott as a skillful therapist and practitioner! 

— Jeannie P.

“Scott is gentle, kind, and respectful, but most importantly, he is thorough. He made sure to make me feel comfortable and at ease by asking questions about my health history. During our Polarity and Craniosacral Unwinding session I had some emotional releases that led to deep relaxation, and a huge decrease in my chronic pain levels.

At first, I was unsure about receiving treatment from him since he is a well-built male, and I assumed this would mean he was heavy-handed; nothing could have been further from the truth. Scott is a master of his craft, who can be gentle but who also has the physical strength to apply precise pressure when needed. I am impressed by his intuitive approach and his accuracy, and I look forward to continuing regular sessions with him.”

— Carolina J.

"I had the privilege of working with Scott as my alignment coach, and the experience was truly transformative. When we started working together I was dealing with a number of complexities and challenges, both in my personal life as well as my professional life. Scott’s extraordinary gift for seeing through the “noise,” helped guide me towards clarity, purpose, and inner harmony. He was able to distill complex problems into understandable concepts, and then communicate them to me in digestible, actionable ways.

Through Scott 's intuitive empathetic guidance and insightful techniques, I have gained invaluable tools to navigate life's twists and turns with resilience and grace. He has a unique approach of blending wisdom, compassion, and practical strategies, while also cultivating a safe and supportive environment where I felt my growth and self-discovery were encouraged.”

— Michelle S.

“I have had the pleasure of working with Scott over the last few months, receiving several Polarity sessions, as well as other related modalities, and I can truly say he is a wonderful and gifted practitioner.

Scott is intuitive, caring and attentive, facilitating a nurturing environment in which I felt completely respected and safe. Relaying areas of tension and density in my body, as well as other life stressors were easily communicated, as I was fully confident in his ability to be intuitively guided to exactly what I needed within each session. I left feeling more free in my body than I have in years! Scott is a true gift for anyone seeking healing in body, mind and soul.”

— Cassidy A.

“Scott has this incredible knack for understanding people and helping them tap into their true selves. He has helped me embrace who I am, and to find joy in the journey when challenges present themselves.

If you're feeling a bit lost or just need someone to help you realign with your purpose, I can't recommend Scott enough. Working with him is like having a cheerleader, mentor, spiritual teacher and confidante all rolled into one!"

— Brad L.

Our journey together begins here.